We are a campaigning think tank. We want to see smart, just and popular solutions to grow the economy.

Our approach focuses on what matters most to the public. Through polling, focus groups and policy analysis we drive the conversation on how to deliver solutions to the UK’s decade of lost growth.

The Good Growth Foundation was established to ensure the UK thrives on the world stage.

We want growth that makes people’s lives better. Jobs, housing and public services no longer create the security and living standards that people need. We are here to provide answers on how to deliver the changes necessary and how to talk about the economy in a way that makes sense to the public.

Our People

Our people are what make the Good Growth Foundation a dynamic, campaigning organisation. Growth is a means, not an end. We campaign for growth to raise living standards and make a tangible impact on day-to-day life across the UK. That’s why we focus on what the public wants to see from growth, connecting policy with people.